Esta es la HOJA DE VIDA de NEIL DeGRASSE // ----- Impresionante ------- // 

Que esta hoja de vida se convierta en un meta personal para todos, no por hacer los mismo al pie de la letra, sino por hacer algo similar en nuestro área de interés científico e investigativo.


PhD: Astrophysics, May 1991
Columbia University, New York City
Research area: Galactic Bulge - chemical evolution, abundances, and structure
Advisor: Prof. R. Michael Rich
MPhil: Astrophysics, May 1989
Columbia University, New York City
Research area: Stellar Evolution
MA: Astronomy May 1983
University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Research area: Star Formation models for Dwarf Galaxies
Advisor: Prof. John M. Scalo
BA: Physics June 1980
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
High School:
The Bronx High School of Science
Bronx, New York
Astrophysics Emphasis: June 1976


Astrophysicist and Frederick P. Rose Director
Hayden Planetarium
American Museum of Natural History
From May 1996
Research Associate
Department of Astrophysics
American Museum of Natural History
From July 2003


Visiting Research Scientist and Lecturer
Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Princeton University
July 1994 – June 2003
Project Scientist
$210 Million Reconstruction
Hayden Planetarium
Rose Center for Earth and Space
January 1997 – February 2000
Founder and Chair
Department of Astrophysics
American Museum of Natural History
December 1997 - June 1999
Acting Director
American Museum - Hayden Planetarium
June 1995 - April 1996
Staff Scientist
American Museum - Hayden Planetarium
July 1994 - May 1995
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Astrophysics
Princeton University
July 1991 - June 1994
Department of Astronomy
University of Maryland
January 1987 - December 1987


The Faint-End Slopes of Galaxy Luminosity Functions in the COSMOS Field
Liu, C. T.; Capak, P.; Mobasher, B.; Paglione, T. A. D.; Scoville, N. Z.; Tribiano, S. M.; and Tyson, N. D.
2008, Astrophysical Journal Letters, v.672, p.198
COSMOS: Hubble Space Telescope Observations
Scoville, N.; Abraham, R. G.; Aussel, H.; Barnes, J. E.; Benson, A.; Blain, A. W.; Calzetti, D.; Comastri, A.; Capak, P.; Carilli, C.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Carollo, C. M.; Colbert, J.; Daddi, E.; Ellis, R. S.; Elvis, M.; Ewald, S. P.; Fall, M.; Franceschini, A.; Giavalisco, M.; Green, W.; Griffiths, R. E.; Guzzo, L.; Hasinger, G.; Impey, C.; Kneib, J.-P.; Koda, J.; Koekemoer, A.; Lefevre, O.; Lilly, S.; Liu, C. T.; McCracken, H. J.; Massey, R.; Mellier, Y.; Miyazaki, S.; Mobasher, B.; Mould, J.; Norman, C.; Refregier, A.; Renzini, A.; Rhodes, J.; Rich, M.; Sanders, D. B.; Schiminovich, D.; Schinnerer, E.; Scodeggio, M.; Sheth, K.; Shopbell, P. L.; Taniguchi, Y.; Tyson, N. D.; Urry, C. M.; Van Waerbeke, L.; Vettolani, P.; White, S. D. M.; Yan, L.
2007, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v.172, p.38
The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): Overview
Scoville, N.; Aussel, H.; Brusa, M.; Capak, P.; Carollo, C. M.; Elvis, M.; Giavalisco, M.; Guzzo, L.; Hasinger, G.; Impey, C.; Kneib, J.-P.; LeFevre, O. S.; Lilly, J.; Mobasher, B.; Renzini, A.; Rich, R. M.; Sanders, D. B.; Schinnerer, E.; Schminovich, D.; Shopbell, P.; Taniguchi, Y.; and Tyson, N. D.
2007, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v.172, p.1
Optical light curves of the Type IA supernovae SN 1990N and 1991T
P. Lira, et al.
1998, Astronomical Journal, v.115, p.234
(See also Erratum: 1998, Astronomical Journal, v.116, p.1006)
BVRI Light Curves For 29 Type Ia Supernovae
M. Hamuy, et al.
1996, Astronomical Journal, v.112, p.2408
The Type Ia Supernova 1989B in NGC3627 (M66)
L. A. Wells, et al.
1994, Astronomical Journal, v.108, p.2233
The Expanding Photosphere Method Applied to SN1992am at cz = 14600 km/s
B. P. Schmidt, et al.
1994, Astronomical Journal, v.107, p.1444
On the Possibility of a Major Impact on the Uranus in the Past Century
Neil D. Tyson, Michael W. Richmond, Michael Woodhams, & Luca Ciotti
1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics (Research Notes), v.275, p.630
An Exposure Guide for Taking Twilight Flatfields with Large Format CCDs
Neil D. Tyson & Roy R. Gal
1993, Astronomical Journal, v.105, p.1206
Radial Velocity Distribution and Line Strengths of 33 Carbon Stars in the Galactic Bulge
Neil D. Tyson & R. Michael Rich
1991, Astrophysical Journal, v.367, p.547
On the possibility of Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies in the Lyman-alpha Forest
Neil D. Tyson
1988, Astrophysical Journal (Letters), v.329, p.L57
Bursting Dwarf Galaxies: Implications for Luminosity Function, Space Density, and Cosmological Mass Density
Neil D. Tyson & John M. Scalo
1988, Astrophysical Journal, v.329, p.618
uvby Photometry of Blue Stragglers in NGC 7789
Bruce A. Twarog & Neil D. Tyson
1985, Astronomical Journal, v.90, p.1247


Accessory to War: The Unspoken Alliance Between Astrophysics and the Military
Neil deGrasse Tyson and Avis Lang
W. W. Norton & Company (New York), In contract
A review and assessment of the centuries-old relationship between the study of the universe and the waging of war, with emphasis on the technologies common to both.
Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier
Neil deGrasse Tyson. Edited by Avis Lang
W. W. Norton & Company (New York), Feb 27, 2012
Reflections on the mismatch between the public's vision of our future in space and persistent geo-political forces that thwart them.
The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet
Neil deGrasse Tyson
W. W. Norton & Company (New York), 2009
An exposition of the often-tempestuous correspondence between Tyson and his colleagues as well as between Tyson and school children—all over the demotion of Pluto from its planet status.
Death By Black Hole, And Other Cosmic Quandaries
Neil deGrasse Tyson
W. W. Norton & Company (New York), 2007
Anthology of the best essays that have appeared in Natural History magazine under the title Universe.
Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution
Neil deGrasse Tyson & Donald Goldsmith
W. W. Norton & Company (New York)
The remarkable beginnings of life, the universe, and everything. Companion Book to the PBS-NOVA series on cosmic origins. Premiered September 28-29, 2004
Cosmic Horizons: Astronomy at the Cutting Edge
Steven Soter & Neil deGrasse Tyson, eds.
The New Press (New York), 2001
A collection of twenty contributed essays on the modern frontier of astrophysics, with commentary and historical material added by the editors. A book conceived along with the 2000 opening of the Hayden Planetarium and Rose Center for Earth and Space.
One Universe: At Home in the Cosmos
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Charles Liu, & Robert Irion
Joseph Henry Press of the National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC), 2000
The connections of astrophysics with everyday life. The companion book to the 2000 opening of the Hayden Planetarium and Rose Center for Earth and Space.
Winner: American Institute of Physics, 2001 Science Writing Award
Charles Liu & Neil deGrasse Tyson
Joseph Henry Press of the National Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC), 2002
The One Universe book enhanced with 1,000 hyperlinks, review questions and problems sets.
The Sky Is Not the Limit: Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Doubleday (New York), 2000
Revised and updated: Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 2004
Autobiographical reflections.
Just Visiting this Planet
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Main Street Books, an imprint of Doubleday (New York), 1998
A collection of six years from a Q & A column written monthly for Star DateMagazine. Sequel to Merlin's Tour of the Universe (see below) that contains chapters of questions about astronomy and space asked by the general public and answered through the pen name Merlin.
Universe Down to Earth
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Columbia University Press (New York), 1994
Essays on special topics in astronomy that evolved principally from invited talks and lectures delivered for introductory college astronomy classes at Columbia UniversityUniversity of Maryland, and University of Texas. The book uses creative household analogies to help bring complex topics of the universe to the lay reader.
Merlin's Tour of the Universe
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Columbia University Press (New York), 1989
Thirteen chapters of questions about astronomy and space asked by the general public and answered through the pen name Merlin.


Foreword: "Reflections on Carl Sagan's Cosmos"
In Cosmos
by Carl Sagan. Random House (New York, NY), 1980; 2014.
Delusions of Space Enthusiasts
In The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2007, pp. 53-60
Edited by Richard Preston and Tim Folger. Mariner Books (New York), 2007.
Adapted from Natural History Magazine article.
In Fly Me to the Moon: An Insider's Guide to the New Science of Space Travel
by Edward Belbruno. Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 2007.
In The Cosmic Perspective - Textbook
by Jeffrey Bennett, Megan Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, and Mark Voit. Benjamin Cummings press Press (San Francisco), 2006.
In Exploring the Invisible: Art, Science, and the Spiritual
by Lynn Gamwelll. Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 2005.
Reach for Your Own Star
In Kids Who Think Outside the Box
Edited by Stephanie Lerner. AMACOM (New York), 2005.
The Sky Is Not the Limit
In Open the Unusual Door
Edited by Barbara Summers. Graphia (New York), 2005.
Adapted from Memoir
Gravity in Reverse
In The Best American Science Writing 2004, pp. 53-60
Edited by Dava Sobel. Ecco/HarperCollins (New York), 2004.
Adapted from Natural History Magazine article.
Holy Wars: An Astrophysicist Ponders the God Question
In Science and Religion: Are They Compatible, pp. 73-79.
Edited by Paul Kurtz and Barry Karr. Prometheus Books (Amherst, NY), 2003.
Adapted from Natural History Magazine article.
Powers of Ten
In Power, the book compendium of the 2002 Darwin Lecture Series of the same name.
Darwin College, University of Cambridge. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge), 2003
Space Travel Troubles
In Looking Backward, Looking Forward: Forty Years of U.S. Human Space Flight, p. 127.
Edited by Steve J. Garber, NASA (Washington D.C.), 2002.
Adapted from televised May 8, 2001 presentation in a George Washington University NASA symposium.
Space, You Can't Get There from Here
In Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Science, Technology, and Society
Edited by Thomas A. Easton, McGraw-Hill/Dushkin (Guilford, CT), 2002.
Adapted from Space Travel Troubles in Natural History magazine.
Space, You Can't Get There from Here
In The Well-Crafted Argument, p. 427.
Edited by Fred E. White & Simone J. Billings, Houghton Mifflin Co. (Boston), 2001.
Adapted from Space Travel Troubles in Natural History magazine.
Science's Endless Golden Age
In The Invisible Future: The Seamless Integration of Technology with Everyday Life, p. 1.
Edited by Peter J. Denning, McGraw Hill (New York), 2001
Certain Uncertainties
In Skeptical Odysseys, p. 176.
Edited by Paul Kurtz, Prometheus Books (Amherst, NY), 2001.
What are the Grand Questions of Science
In Closer to Truth: Challenging Current Belief, p. 311.
Edited by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, McGraw Hill (New York), 2000.
From a PBS televised panel.
What are the next breakthroughs in science
In Closer to Truth: Challenging Current Belief, p. 325.
Edited by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, McGraw Hill (New York), 2000.
From a PBS televised panel.
Paths to Discovery
In The Columbia History of the 20th Century, p. 461.
Edited by Richard Buillet, Columbia Press (New York), 1998.



The Case For Space
March/April 2012 (in press)


For the Love of Hubble
Cover story, June 22, 2008
Why America Needs to Explore Space
Cover story: August 5, 2007


Universe - Monthly Essayist
January 1995 - December 2005
Principal source of Content for the books Death By Black Hole and Space Chronicles.


Merlin - Monthly Q&A Columnist
January 1995 - December 2005
Principal source of Content for the books Merlin’s Tour of the Universe and Just Visiting This Planet.


If I Were President...
Week in Review, August 21, 2011
Part of a collection of opinions on the question: “If I Were President...”
Remembering Richard Holbrooke
Letter to the Editor, December 16, 2010
A science-politics anecdote from my first encounter with the Clinton-era Diplomat.
No Apocalypse in 2012
Letter to the Editor, August 24, 2010
Thoughts on the upcoming solar maximum and the 2012 doomsday myth.
A Teacher, a Student and a Church-State Dispute
Letter to the Editor, December 21, 2006
Commentary on the assertion that religious beliefs should be taught alongside science in public school.
World Trade Center Anniversary
Letter to the Editor, September 11, 2002
Eyewitness reflections on the anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001.
Destiny in Space
Op-Ed, January 1, 2001
Our achievements in space compared with Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Misaligned Stars
Op-Ed, July 22, 1998
A commentary on science literacy in the arts and society.


Windows to the Universe
Space Show
Spring 1996
Art in the Service of Science - A Hayden Retrospective
Curated Exhibit
Spring 1996
Cosmic Mind Bogglers
Space Show
Fall 1995


Twitter - August 2014
Rising through 2,200,000 Followers
Average Growth Rate: Between. 2,000 & 2,500 followers per day
Average Post Rate: 10 Tweets per week
Miscellaneous cosmic thoughts, tidbits, and sky phenomena
Active since February 2009
Top YouTube Appearances - August 2014
* * * List * * *
We're All Connected [4min] 6 million views
Most Astounding Fact [3.5min] 7 million views
NDT Destroys Bill O'Reilly [3min] 3.5 million views
Poetry of Reality [3min] 2.6 million views
Does the Universe Have a Purpose? [2.5min] 2.5 million views
Tyson Rebukes Dawkins [2min] 2.2 million views
My Man, Sir Isaac Newton [2min] 2.2 million views
Stephen Colbert Interviews NDT [80min] 1.6 million views
We Stopped Dreaming [5.3min] 1.6 million views
COSMOS: A Space-Time Odyssey
On-Camera Host and Executive Editor
FOX, Burbank, CA & Cosmos Studios, Ithaca, NY
US Premiere: March 9, 2014
World: 181 Countries, in 45 Languages
A 21st century continuation in 13 episodes of Carl Sagan's landmark Television series from 1980.
StarTalk Radio
Host and Executive Producer
50 Terrestrial Stations; Live Streaming; iTunes Podcast; Google-YouTube channel
Summer 2009 - Current
Using a comedic co-host coupled with weekly guests drawn from pop-culture, this science-based talk show targets an audience who never thought to listen to science on the radio.
NOVA scienceNOW
On-Camera Host and Executive Editor
PBS, WGBH, Boston & NYC
February 2006 - May 2011
Hip, fast-paced, magazine style science program for all ages.
The Pluto Files
On-Camera Host and Executive Editor
PBS, NOVA — WGBH, Boston
March 2010
Based on the book of the same name, chronicling the scientific arguments and the cultural reactions to Pluto losing its planet status.
On-Camera Host and Executive Editor
September 2004
Based on the book of the same name, a four-part series detailing the latest scientific understandings for the origin of Earth, stars, the universe, and life.
Selected Television Interviews
The Colbert Report [Comedy Central]: 12 appearances (the show's record)
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart [Comedy Central]: 9 appearances
Real Time with Bill Maher [HBO]: 4 appearances
Late Show with Jimmy Fallon [NBC] - 2 appearances
Charlie Rose [PBS] - 5 appearances
News Hour [PBS] - 4 appearances
Tavis Smiley [PBS] - 3 appearances
Mo'Nique [BET]
Numerous Interviews (documentaries & News): PBSHistory Channel, Discovery, Science Channel, A&E, Good Morning America [ABC], TODAY Show [NBC], Early Show [CBS], World News Tonight [ABC], Nightly News [NBC], Evening News [CBS], CNN, FOX, FOXNews, MSNBC
Television Cameo Appearances
The Big Bang Theory [CBS]: Season 04, Episode 07: "The Apology Insufficiency" 2010
Stargate Atlantis [SyFy]: Season 5, Episode 16 "Brain Storm" 2008
Television/Internet Script Mentions
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee [Internet]: Season 4: "Robert Klein - Opera Pimp" 2014
Orange is the New Black [Netflix]: Season 1, Episode 12: "Fool Me Once" 2013
Stargate Atlantis [SyFy]: Season 4, Episode 16: "Trio" 2008
Television Science Advisor
Family Guy [FOX]: Season 9, Episode 16: "The Big Bang Theory" 2011
Selected Documentaries as Narrator
Space Shuttle Disaster [PBS-NOVA]: 1-hour, 2010
400 Years of the Telescope [PBS]: 1-hour, 2009
Selected Radio Appearances
Selected Internet Appearances
Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions:
August 2013, February 2012, December 2011November 2011,
Nerdist Podcast #139 November 2011


Emmy Nomination: Outstanding Documentary
Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey; Award Ceremony: August 16, 2014
Critics Choice Award: Best Host of Reality Series
Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey; June 19, 2014
Most Influential Nerds of 2014
GQ Magazine, Condé Nast, New York: July 24, 2014
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts. Commencement: May 20, 2012
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Western New England College, Springfield, Massachusetts. Commencement: May 19, 2012
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Commencement: May 22, 2011
Time Top Tweeters 2012: 140 Best Twitter Feeds
Voted by the Editors of Time Magazine (March 2012) picks the 140 Twitter feeds that are the best in the world
Time Top Tweeters 2011: 140 best Twitter Feeds
Voted by the Editors of Time Magazine (March 2011) picks the 140 Twitter feeds that are the best in the world
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
University of Alabama, Huntsville, New York. Commencement: December 3, 2010
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. Commencement: May 29, 2010
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, Connecticut. Commencement: May 23, 2010
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Commencement: May 19, 2008
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Howard University, Washington, DC. Commencement: May 10, 2008
Harvard 100: Most Influential Harvard Alumni
02138 Magazine, Cambridge. Massachusetts: December 2, 2007
NASA Exceptional Public Service Medal
For service on NASA's Advisory council. November 2007
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Commencement: June 3, 2007
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Worcester Polytechnic Insitute, Worcester, Massachusetts. Commencement: May 19, 2007
The Time 100
Voted by the Editors of Time Magazine (May 4, 2007) as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.
Top Ten Space Imaginations at Work, 2006
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Pace University, New York City. Convocation: April 23, 2006
Department of English, Yeshiva University, New York. Fall 2005
NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal
The highest honor awarded by NASA to a non-government civilian. September 22, 2004
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Humane Letters
City University of New York, College of Staten Island, Commencement: June 3, 2004
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, Commencement: June 14, 2003
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Bloomfield College, Bloomfield New Jersey, Commencement: May 23, 2002
The Tech 100
Voted by editors of Crain's Magazine (May 21, 2001) to be among the 100 most influential technology leaders in New York.
Medal of Excellence
Columbia University, New York City, Commencement: May 16, 2001
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
University of Richmond, Richmond Virginia, Commencement: May 13, 2001
Asteroid: 13123 Tyson
Renamed from Asteroid 1994KA on November 19, 2000 by the International Astronomical Union. Discovered by Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy. A main-belt asteroid peaking at Vmag = 16.9
Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive
In People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive issue November 13, 2000
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Ramapo College, Mahway, New Jersey, Commencement: May 22, 2000
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
Dominican College, Orangeburg, New York, Commencement: May 21, 2000
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Science
York College, City University of New York, Commencement: June 2, 1997
Crain's Magazine 40 under 40
Voted by Craines' editors in 1996 to be among the forty most influential New Yorkers under the age of forty.


$354,000PI The Sloan Foundation (2014: 312 months): In support of theStarTalk Radio. enabling the show to expand in a commercially viable way to internet video and television.
$1,500,000PI National Science Foundation (2010: 36 months) Informal Science Education: StarTalk Radio Show. Using a comedic co-host and with weekly guests drawn from pop-culture, this broadcast (and Internet) radio talk show on science targets an audience that never thought to listen to science on the radio.
$200,000PI National Science Foundation (2009: 12 months) Informal Science Education - Small Grants for Exploratory Research: StarTalk Radio Show - Pilots. 13 radio talk show pilot programs broadcast live in DC and LA, experimenting with various guests and co-hosts for how best to bring the universe to listeners who would not otherwise think to listen to science on the radio.
$100,000Co-I NASA (2003: 24 months) Hubble Treasury Program: COSMOS 2-degree field, Large scale structure of the universe at high redshift.
$2,800,000Co-I NASA (2001: 18 months) The Search for Life: Are We Alone?, The second space show to run in the newly rebuilt Hayden Planetarium.
$1,500,000Co-PI NASA (October 2000 - September 2003) New York City Space Science Research Alliance, creating a new space science degree in the City University of New York.
$840,000Co-PI National Science Foundation (October 1999 - September 2002) Visualization of High Dimensional Data in Comparative Morphology
$450,000PI National Science Foundation (May 1999 - September 2003) Partner in the Grand Challenge Cosmology Consortium Administered by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Urbana Ill.
$2,000,000Co-I & Project Director NASA (September 1997 - March 1999) Digital Galaxy Project—Part of the $8 million launch of the National Center for Science Literacy Education and Technology at the American Museum of Natural History
$23,000PI Science Foundation (July 1993 - December 1994) to study the Galactic Bulge: Structure and Dynamics and Dwarf Galaxies: Star Formation, Supernovae, and Detection
$5,000ARCS Foundation, New York City (January 1989 - December 1990) Intergalactic Supernovae



  • Nature
  • Astronomical Journal
  • Astrophysical Journal


  • Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory


  • National Science Foundation
  • NASA


  • Anchor Books
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Columbia University Press
  • DK Publishers
  • Free Press
  • Houghton-Mifflin
  • National Academy Press
  • Oxford University Press
  • Princeton University Press
  • Visible Ink Press
  • Walker Press
  • WW Norton


Hubble Space Telescope650 Orbits
COSMOS Collaboration
2003, 2004
Palomar ObservatoryCalifornia1994, 1995
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO)Chile1988-1993
Millimeter Radio Astronomy Institute (IRAM)Spain1993
Apache Point Observatory (APO)New Mexico1992
Very Large Array (VLA)New Mexico1990
Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO)Arizona1988, 1989


2001Senior Thesis: Adam Gittes (Princeton) Variable Star Light Curves From Massive Data sets: Classifications and Interpretations
1995Junior Thesis: Ronald Kim (Princeton) The Binary Star frequency at High Galactic Latitude
1994Senior Thesis: Konata Stinson (Princeton) The Radial Dependence of Supernova Rates in Galaxies
1993Junior Thesis: Peter Bloser (Princeton) An Estimate of the Supernova Rate in Abell Clusters
1992Summer Project: Roy Gal (Columbia) An Exposure Guide for Taking Twilight Flatfields with Large Format CCDs (See the published paper.)


SemesterTitleEnrollmentStudent profile
Yeshiva University, New York - as Writer-In-Residence for the Department of English
Fall 2005Writing Science and Nature Seminar12 (limited)For English majors and others
Princeton University - As a Visiting Lecturer with rank of Associate Professor
Spring 2003The Universe250 (limited)For non-science majors
Spring 2002The Universe250 (limited)For non-science majors
Spring 2001The Universe200 (limited)For non-science majors
Spring 2000The Universe125 (limited)For non-science majors
Spring 1999The Universe125 (limited)For non-science majors
Spring 1997Modern Astrophysics45For science majors
Princeton University - As a Lecturer
Spring 1996Cosmic Discovery: How we have come to learn what we know about the universe14 (limited)Freshman Seminar
Spring 1995The Universe80For non-science majors
Hayden Planetarium as Director
Spring 2003Introduction to Space Science: Frontiers of Matter, Motion and Energy100 (limited)Satisfying part of a NASA-funded Space Science curriculum for the City University of New York
Fall 2002Introduction to Space Science: Matter, Motion, and Energy100 (limited)Satisfying part of a NASA-funded Space Science curriculum for the City University of New York
Spring 2002Introduction to Space Science: Universe80 (limited)Satisfying part of a NASA-funded Space Science curriculum for the City University of New York
Winter 2001Introduction to Space Science: Galaxies80 (limited)Satisfying part of a NASA-funded Space Science curriculum for the City University of New York
Fall 2001Introduction to Space Science: Stars80 (limited)Satisfying part of a NASA-funded Space Science curriculum for the City University of New York
Spring 2001Astrophysics Round Table40Rotating topics on the frontier
Fall 2000The Making of the Rose Center for Earth and Space40
Columbia University - As a graduate student
1988 - 1991Assorted guest lectures50 to 150
University of Maryland - As a Lecturer
Spring 1987Introductory Astronomy180
Fall 1987Introductory Astronomy300
University of Texas - As a graduate student
1980 - 1985Assorted guest lectures30 to 300


May 2008Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsCambridge, MA
March 2005National Science FoundationArlington, VA
January 2005MIT Lincoln LabsLexington, MA
January 2005University of WashingtonSeattle, WA
December 2004Duke UniversityDurham, NC
November 2004NASA Langley Research CenterHampton, VA
May 2004Stanford Linear Accelerator CenterStanford, CA
July 2003Brookhaven LaboratoriesLong Island, NY
December 2002Princeton University. Joint Sponsors: Woodrow Wilson School, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, AstrophysicsPrinceton, NJ
October 2002Pappalardo Lecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of PhysicsCambridge, MA
March 2002Penn State, Department of AstrophysicsState College, PA
November 2000Caltech, Department of AstronomyPasadena, CA
September 2000Space Telescope Science InstituteBaltimore, MD
April 2000University of Toronto & CITAToronto, Canada
April 2000Rutgers University, Department of AstronomyNew Brunswick, NJ
January 1998American Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Earth & Planetary SciencesNew York City
December 1997Swarthmore College, Department of Physics & AstronomySwarthmore, PA
April 1996Augsburg College, Department of PhysicsMinneapolis, MN
May 1995New York Academy of SciencesNew York
February 1994Lehigh University, Department of PhysicsBethlehem, PA
December 1993University of California, Department of AstronomySanta Cruz, CA
October 1993Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoriesPrinceton, NJ
October 1993Ohio Sate University, Department of AstronomyColumbus, OH
June 1993University of Washington, Department of AstronomySeattle, WA
April 1993University of Maryland, Department of AstronomyCollege Park, MD
March 1993Rutgers University, Department of AstronomyNew Brunswick, NJ
October 1992University of Virginia, Department of AstronomyCharlottesville, VA
October 1992National Radio Astronomy ObservatoryCharlottesville, VA
September 1992University of Massachusetts, Department of GeologyAmherst, MA
March 1992York College, Department of Natural SciencesQueens, New York
May 1991Cerro Tololo Inter-American ObservatoryLa Serena, Chile
September 1990Osservatorio Astronomico di Capadimonte. Funded by: Academia Nazionale di Science Lettere e Arti.Naples, Italy
September 1988Yale University, Dept. of AstronomyNew Haven, CT
October 1987University of Missouri, Dept. of Physics and AstronomySt. Louis, MO
December 1986University of Maryland, Astronomy ProgramCollege Park, MD


  • Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC
    November 2008 - September 2010
    Member of the Survey Committee and of the Subcommittee on State of the Profession.
  • Board of Directors, Harlem Educational Activities Fund (HEAF), NYC
    February 2006 - current
    Elected to the Board HEAF, an organization that helps inner city children from disadvantaged backgrounds develop the attitudes, skills and values that will enable them to lead satisfying and productive lives in mainstream American life.
  • National Academy of Sciences Committee on Evolution, Washington, DC
    December 2005 - December 2006
    Committee to update the NSF's official statement denouncing the teaching of Creationism and Intelligent Design as science in the school systems.
  • NASA Advisory Council, Washington, DC
    December 2005 - November 2008
    Appointed by the NASA Administrator to serve on its Advisory Council, to help to guide NASA's scientific, technological, and budgetary steps forward in space.
  • White House Commission
    February 2004 - June 2004
    Appointed by President George W. Bush to serve on a nine-member Commission on theImplementation of United States Space Exploration Policy. To establish an executable plan that enables the White House's vision for America's future in space.
  • Committee for the Presidential Medal of Science
    January 2003 - December 2005
    Appointed by President George W. Bush to serve on its 12-member Selection Committee.
  • Board of Directors, Space Foundation
    January 2007 - Current; Honorary
    January 2003 - December 2006; Director
    The Space Foundation, in Colorado Springs, is a not-for-profit organization that vigorously supports civil, commercial, and national security space endeavors along with educational excellence.
  • White House Commission
    September 2001 - November 2002
    Appointed by President George W. Bush to serve on the 12-member Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry. To study the health of the United States aerospace industry and how it affects national security, the aviation economy, and our future in space.
  • Board of Directors, Phipps Houses, Inc. NYC
    November 2000 - October 2003
    A not-for-profit organization that promotes and provides housing to the indigent of the inner city.
  • Math & Physical Sciences Directorate Advisory Committee, National Science Foundation
    November 2000 - October 2003
  • Decadal Survey in Astronomy & Astrophysics Subcommittee on Education and Public Policy, National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC
    January 1999 - December 2000
    Appointed to the Subcommittee on Education and Public Policy.
  • Board of Directors, American Astronomical Society (AAS)
    June 1998 - June 2001
    Elected by the membership to the Board of Directors (the Council) of the AAS(Washington, DC).
  • NASA's Space Science Advisory Committee, Washington, DC
    May 1997 - April 1998
  • Astronomy Education Board, American Astronomical Society
    June 1997 - June 2002
  • Board of Directors, The Planetary Society (Pasadena, California).
    May 1997 - Current
  • Board of Directors, Amateur Astronomers Association NYC
    March 1997 - June 2003
  • Board of Directors, Astronauts Memorial Foundation, (Kennedy Space Center, Florida
    November 1993 - October 1998


  • Fall 1998, ongoing
    Technical Advisor to a program that brings chess to inner city schools as a curriculum supplement to boost grades and attendance. New York City.
  • Spring 1995 - ongoing
  • Science in the City, AMNH
    Spring 1991 - Spring 1993
    Science Instructor for this program that serves inner city children of homeless single parents. Conducted by the Department of Education of the American Museum of Natural History, New York.
  • The New York Times
    Spring 1989 - Fall 1999
    Science Times Questions and Answers


  • The National Review magazine
    July 21, 2014, Cover Story
    "Smarter Than Thou: Neil deGrasse Tyson and America's Nerd Problem"
    by Charles C. W. Cooke
  • The New Yorker magazine
    February 2014, Anniversary Issue
    Profile. "Star Man" by Rebecca Meade
  • Parade magazine
    January 12, 2014, Cover Story
    Profile. "Master of the Universe" by Lynn Sherr
  • Sky magazine - Delta Airlines
    January 2013, pp. 69 & 71 (New York)
    Profile. "Let's Get Astrophysical"
  • Playboy magazine
    Jan/Feb 2012, pp. 152 (New York)
    Profile. "King of the Cosmos" Life as a public scientist and educator.
  • Columbia University magazine
    Summer 2010 pp. 12-19
    Cover Story Profile. "Musings of the Spheres" Life as a public scientist and educator.
  • The World of Fine Wine magazine
    Spring 2005, Issue 9, pp. 48-52, Quarto Group (London)
    Profile and interview on wines of the world, including playful speculations about the future of wine in space and on other planets.
  • Open the Unusual Door
    Edited by Barbara Summers, 2005, Houghton-Mifflin (Boston)
    Stargazer, (Excerpt from the memoir, The Sky Is Not the Limit), p. 196.
  • Kids Who Think Outside the Box
    Edited by Stephanie Lerner, 2005, Amacom Books (New York)
    Reach For Your Own Star, p. 65.
  • The Futurist
    November-December 2004
    Visionaries: Changing the Future One Idea At A Time, p. 68.
  • Highlights for Children
    August 2004
    Looking Up, p. 25
  • Columbia University magazine
    Spring 2004
    Columbia's New Yorkers, p. 42.
  • The New York Times
    March 9, 2003
    Stars in His Eyes Over a Pen
    A celebration of my fondness for Fountain Pens.
  • A Perfect World: Words and Paintings from over 50 of America's Most Powerful People
    Edited by Debra Trione, 2002, Andrews McMeel Publishers (Kansas City), p. 163.
  • Arrive Magazine
    July/August 2001, Amtrak, p. 14.
  • People Magazine
    November 13, 2000
    Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive, p. 92.
  • Ebony Magazine
    August 2000, p. 58.
  • Wine Spectator Magazine
    May 31, 2000, p. 19.
  • People Magazine
    February 28, 2000, p. 77.
  • Scientific American
    February 2000, p. 28.
  • New York Times
    January 1, 2000, p. B2.
  • New York Times
    An Educator Shines At the Planetarium
    February 13, 2000
  • Strong Men Keep Coming: The Book of African American Men
    By Tonya Bolden, Herb Boyd, 1999, J. Wiley & Sons (New York), p. 100.
  • Our Common Ground
    Bruce Caines, 1994, Crown Publishers (New York), p. 36

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